Table of contents
Dossier – Changing times
The course of the university in a period of social change
Estebaranz García, Araceli
The change in the ngos/aids educational speech in Brazil: conceptions and practical results (1985 -1998)
Góis, João Bôsco Hora
The interface he@lth/internet: perspectives and challenges
Castiel, Luis David; Vasconcellos-Silva, Paulo Roberto
Assessment of the effect of the exchange rate on the teaching-learning methods deriving from the Medicine and Nursing programs of the Universidad del Norte, Colombia
Barceló, Rodrigo; Navarro, Edgar
Uni Project: a background in which to learn, think and build interdisciplinarity in teaching nursing
Sena, Roseni Rosângela de; Leite, Juliana Carvalho de Araújo; Silva, Kênia Lara da; Costa, Fabíola Moura da
Thinking scientifically: representing a culture
Falcão, Eliane Brígida Morais; Siqueira, Andréa Huckleberry
Pre natal healthcare communication and information
Moura, Escolástica Rejane Ferreira; Rodrigues, Maria Socorro Pereira
Violence in schools: identifying clues for prevention
Njaine, Kathie; Minayo, Maria Cecília de Souza
Health and the creation of meaning in daily life: mediation practices and bakhtinian translinguistics
Silva, Luiz Augusto Vasconcelos da
Teaching innovation: times of quiet and the ability to produce
Cunha, Maria Isabel da
Innovation/tension between power and knowledge…
Leite, Denise
Lucarelli, Elisa
Innovation/building of knowledge
Frigotto, Gaudêncio
Innovation/single view…
Balzan, Newton César
Innovation in challenging times
Cunha, Maria Isabel da
Educational technology: production and appraisal of the site Nursing Personnel Scale
Juliani, Carmen Maria Casquel Monti
Problem based learning at the Marília Faculty of Medicine: making people aware of the elderly
Komatsu, Ricardo Shoiti
Open Space
Graduating in Public Health: anticipating the graduation of Healthcare Professionals
Teixeira, Carmen Fontes
Graduating in Public Health: notes for reflection
Elias, Paulo Eduardo
Sensibilizando nossos olhares
Komatsu, Ricardo Shoiti