BATISTA, Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva et al. Education in Health: reflections from the Pro-Health and PET-Health Programs. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2015, vol.19, suppl.1, pp. 743-752. ISSN 1807-5762.
This paper aims to reflect on the National Reorientation Program of Professional Education in Health (Pro-Health) and the Education by Work for Health Program (PET-Health). This is a descriptive study using qualitative tools of document analysis. From the acquired documents and data, we developed the following analytical axes: (1) historical roots: exploring origins; (2) Pro-Health and PET-Health: knowledge trajectories; (3) integrating teaching and service: structuring key ideas; and (4) from the desire to change to the actual practice of interprofessional integration and learning: discussing powers and limits. We concluded that the Pro-Health and PET-Health Programs have significant power to act as health reorientation policies that indicate progress regarding the integration of teaching/service and interprofessional education.
Palavras-chave : Health education; Teaching care integration services; Public policies.