Perceptions of academic and practitioner nurses regarding the teaching-care partnership in primary healthcare units

ANDRADE, Selma Regina de; BOEHS, Astrid Eggert  e  BOEHS, Carlos Gabriel Eggert. Perceptions of academic and practitioner nurses regarding the teaching-care partnership in primary healthcare units. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.54, pp. 537-547.  Epub Set-2015. ISSN 1807-5762.

This study aimed to present the perceptions of academic and practitioner nurses regarding the expectations, objectives and difficulties of teaching-care partnerships. This was a case study with a qualitative approach case study, among 16 academic and practitioner nurses who were working together in primary healthcare units. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, followed by use of the content analysis technique and interpretation based on a model for interorganizational relationships. There was a positive perception of the partnership, with regard to the training and continuing education objectives. The practitioner nurses viewed the students’ assessments as a problem and were concerned about users. It was concluded that balanced formalization and mutual understanding between the parties is needed, in order to reduce the inherent differences between education and care, while seeking to put users in a central position.

Palavras-chave : Teaching-care integration; Brazilian National Health System; Nursing; Technical cooperation.