SILVA, Luiz Anildo Anacleto da; SODER, Rafael Marcelo; OLIVESKI, Cínthia Cristina e FRIZZO, Mirian Natali. Program for Improvement and Revitalization of Knowledge in Nursing & Health. Interface (Botucatu)[online]. In press. . Epub 21-Set-2017. ISSN 1807-5762.
This paper aimed to understand how meaningful learning can contribute to the construction of knowledge and education in the perspective of Nursing students. This is a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research involving 12 college students from a Nursing course who were in a teaching program. The results enabled the definition of two categories: contributions in Nursing education and knowledge construction. It follows that offering educational programs with alternative methodologies contributes to the construction of knowledge, education and Nursing. One of the main contributing factors is the possibility of collective edification, making the students to have a critical, reflexive and active participation in the educational activities.
Key works: Nursing; Nursing education; Nursing students.