ARNEMANN, Cristiane Trivisiol; GASTALDO, Denise e KRUSE, Maria Henriqueta Luce.
Appreciative Inquiry: characteristics, utilization and possibilities for the field of Health in Brazil. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2018, vol.22, n.64, pp.121-131. Epub 20-Jul-2017. ISSN 1414-3283. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1807-57622016.0763.
In this paper we present and discuss the characteristics of Appreciative Inquiry as a research methodology, utilizing an example from an integrated multi-professional residency program in Health in Brazil. Appreciative Inquiry is a methodology used to identify the best practices developed and utilized by people who work in the same institution. This methodology allows the participation and engagement of Health professionals in studies related to their area of work, potentially able to be used in several areas. In addition, Appreciative Inquiry promotes critical and reflexive debates among participants, establishing a space for the production of change. The Health professionals involved in our study considered relevant the goal of encouraging people to adopt a positive, constructive, and dialogical approach to propose institutional changes.
Key words : Appreciative Inquiry; Qualitative research; Method; Methodology; Residency program.