BRIOLOTTI, Ana S.. Child Neurology in its prophylactic-social projection: Pediatrics, Mental Hygiene and Psychology in Argentina (1934-1940). Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2020, vol.24, e190319. Epub Feb 10, 2020. ISSN 1414-3283. https://doi.org/10.1590/interface.190319.
The article analyzes the proposal of Aquiles Gareiso and Florencio Escardó concerning the integration of Neurology into Pediatrics. In a period in which the majority of the physicians conceived Neurology as a discipline centered on diagnosis, Gareiso’s and Escardó’s proposal interacted with Social Medicine, Eugenics and Mental Hygiene to propose a dynamic focus, with preventive potentials. Based on the principle of neuropsychological parallelism, Neuropediatrics provided semiological tools for early diagnoses, excluding, initially, the contributions of Psychology. Subsequently, this principle was reviewed in light of its limits in the assessment of children aged two years and older. Among other elements, it is believed that this enabled a greater openness of the Argentinian pediatric field to psychological assessment techniques.
Keywords : History; Neurology; Pediatrics; Psychology; Hygiene.