PREVIATO, Giselle Fernanda e BALDISSERA, Vanessa Denardi Antoniassi.
Communication in the dialogical perspective of collaborative interprofessional practice in Primary Health Care.
Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2018, vol.22, suppl.2, pp.1535-1547. ISSN 1414-3283. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1807-57622017.0647.
The objective of this study was to analyze communication as a collaborative interprofessional health practice domain in the workflow of primary healthcare teams. It was a qualitative study with a descriptive and interpretative approach, and its data constitute part of a master’s thesis. It was conducted in in Primay Health Care Units (UBS) of a Brazilian city in the northwestern part of the state of Paraná, with 84 professionals of primary healthcare teams. Data was collected by focus groups and organized in hierarchical descending order using software IRaMuTeQ®. They were submitted to lexical analysis and discussed based on the Theory of Dialogic Action. Five lexical classes were obtained. When grouped together, they revealed how communication among primary healthcare teams occurs. Collaborative interprofessional communication is still a challenge for health teams when leading a joint transformative and dialogical work process.
Keywords: Communication; Interprofessional relationships; Collaborative behavior; Health staff; Primary healthcare.