From pregnancy to sterilization: a cartography of an orphan mother experienced in a Clinic at the Street



DUARTE, Luiz Gustavo et al. From pregnancy to sterilization: a cartography of an orphan mother experienced in a Clinic at the Street. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2021, vol.25, e200063.  Epub 24-Fev-2021. ISSN 1807-5762.

This article aimed to map the affections in scenes that occurred in an experience in a Clinic at the Street (CnaR) through the realization of a cartography. Mapped territories, with the intercession of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman used as a cognitive device for the discussion of reality-fantasy, have highlighted ways of life that challenge traditional methods of care production, while making visible micropolitical captures that led to production of control and framing. Therefore, it was noticeable in the CnaR a potency of production of new ways of care, but at the same time, there are micropolitical captures for the control of street dwellers, conspiring aggressively to produce needs of sterilization and de-motherhood as well as the kidnapping of babies by the State.

Keywords : Homeless person; Cartography; Motherhood.

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