TEMPERLY, Nicole Karina Nicolaiko; SLOMP JUNIOR, Helvo e SILVA, Milene Zanoni da. From the bond to the caring encounter: cartographs about medical identity territory and the care between family doctors and users. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2021, vol.25, e200341. Epub 19-Mar-2021. ISSN 1807-5762. https://doi.org/10.1590/interface.200341.
The purpose of this qualitative research with a cartographic approach was to understand the effects that bonding and accountability between family physicians and users can produce on the physicians themselves. Ten open interviews were conducted based on triggering questions with family physicians and medical residents. The analysis of the interviews using the reference of the micropolitics was based on the experiences reported, and it was problematized the existence of a “medical identity territory”, as well as the deconstruction of this territory, its “deterritorialization”, leading to “reterritorializations”, such as moving away from omnipotence / infallibility not to suffer, but to take care of oneself and others. It is proposed that in this movement, both physician and user start to move through the caregiving dimension of the encounter, where light technologies can be operated and new possibilities of configurations of care happens.
Keywords : Family practice; Continuity of patient care; Bond; Patient-Centered Care.