Healthcare regulation or every man for himself? Lessons learned from the early detection of breast cancer in regionalized networks of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS)

Regulação assistencial ou cada um por si Lições a partir da detecção precoce do câncer de mama em redes regionalizadas do SUS 2019 0609 Mônica ProfSaúde

ALMEIDA, Mônica Morrissy MartinsALMEIDA, Patty Fidelis de  e  MELO, Eduardo Alves. Healthcare regulation or every man for himself? Lessons learned from the early detection of breast cancer in regionalized networks of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS). Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2020, vol.24, suppl.1, e190609.  Epub 14-Set-2020. ISSN 1807-5762.


The aim of this article was to analyze healthcare regulation processes based on actions for the early detection of breast cancer in a regional perspective. A qualitative and descriptive study was carried out in a health region by means of semi-structured interviews with Primary Care and Healthcare Regulation managers. In the region, traditional Primary Care models co-exist with the Family Health Strategy. The regulation centers were heterogeneous concerning computerization, with referrals being predominantly sent by Primary Care in pouches. Multiple regulation systems were identified, under state, municipal and regional management. The implementation of the Cancer Information System was not concluded, which hindered the monitoring of actions and the coordination of care. Efforts to qualify the regulatory processes performed by municipalities were identified, although they remained atomized and parallel actions, without the state manager coordinating and articulating the regionalized networks.

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Keywords : Comprehensive healthcare; Regionalization of healthcare; Breast cancer; Health regulation.