Historical changes in the intersectoral network of services targeted at violence against women – São Paulo, Brazil



AGUIAR, Janaina Marques deD’OLIVEIRA, Ana Flávia Pires Lucas  and  SCHRAIBER, Lilia Blima. Historical changes in the intersectoral network of services targeted at violence against women – São Paulo, Brazil. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2020, vol.24, e190486.  Epub Mar 23, 2020. ISSN 1414-3283.  https://doi.org/10.1590/interface.190486.

Violence against women has gained space in the political agenda, driven by the women’s movement, with the making of public policies targeted at assistance for women. We analyze the results of a study carried out in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, with professionals from the specialized intersectoral services network, focusing on the changes that have occurred due to the Maria da Penha Law. Data show that, in spite of the expansion of the services that provide assistance, defense and protection for women, there are difficulties concerning integrated work in professionals’ actions and interaction, which hinders the outline of a common assistance project – the most important principle for a networked action. The conclusion is that overcoming these difficulties is a challenge in the current political context of degeneration of the services and weakening of public policies targeted at women’s rights.

Keywords : Violence against women; Intersectoral services network; Maria da Penha Law.

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