Interprofessional Education and shared practice in multiprofessional health residency programs. 

Educação interprofissional 72 Prancheta 1


CASANOVA, Isis AlexandrinaBATISTA, Nildo Alves  e  MORENO, Lídia Ruiz.

Interprofessional Education and shared practice in multiprofessional health residency programs. 

Interface (Botucatu) [online]. In press. , pp.-.  Epub 10-Jul-2018. ISSN 1414-3283.

The aim of this paper is to present the principles, conceptions, and practices of Interprofessional Education that underlie multiprofessional health residency programs (PRMS), with emphasis on shared practice, in institutions of higher education in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The researchers conducted document analysis of the programs’ pedagogical projects (PP) and administered a Likert-type scale and open-ended questions to 76 residents of 13 PRMS. Thematic analysis of the PP showed that emphasis was given to the team in clinical cases and care plans; patient-centeredness and coordination between teaching and service. The results of the Likert-type scale showed that residents were satisfied with education for collaborative practice. From the point of view of the residents, the PRMS helped expand and enhance health outcomes, favoring the patient-centered care, the identification of health needs, and shared practices and procedures. In conclusion, PRMS are important to the Brazilian National Health System (SUS).

Key works : Human resources education; Internship and residency; Interprofessional education.

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