Intersectorial instances of management: movements for the reorientation in Health education.

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VENDRUSCOLO, Carine et al. 

Intersectorial instances of management: movements for the reorientation in Health education. 

Interface (Botucatu) [online]. In press. , pp.-.  Epub 10-Jul-2018. ISSN 1414-3283.

This is a case study using a qualitative approach, whose objective was to understand how the management forums – Local Steering Committee and General Coordinating Committee – of Pro-Health developed in Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil, contributed to the mobilization of teaching-service integration in the municipal context. The information was produced by direct observation of intersectoral meetings and interviews with members representing the management, teaching, service and population of the two management forums happening in 2012-2013. The treatment for the analysis of qualitative data was anchored in the operational proposal. The results distinguish the importance of recognizing the roles of each segment. In spite of conflicts, the intersectoral meeting places are important initiatives of teaching-service integration, especially as a possibility to transform them and contribute to reorient practices and the Health education.

Key works : Brazilian National Health System; Higher education policy; Health management; Teaching care integration services.

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