DRAVET, Florence e CASTRO, Gustavo de. Learning, digital media and affection: proposals for a new paradigm in higher education. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2019, vol.23, e180321. Epub 10-Jul-2019. ISSN 1414-3283.
This article relates the presence of digital media with the necessary knowledge for integral formation of human being, conjunction between rational knowledges – capacity for synthesis and analysis – and affective-emotional knowledge – capacity to live with others – propitiating savoir vivre and well-thinking. In order to contribute to the critical reflection on the power of digital technology as a way to advance in learning processes, the proposal is based on the theory of complexity. A bibliographical revision followed by an exploratory research consisting of comparative analysis of sites dedicated to innovative proposals in education was carried out. In conclusion, the presence of digital media in the educational environment presents practical advantages for the rational acquisition of knowledge. However, digital media leave affective gaps to be filled through the teaching of ethics between human beings in personal, social and collective life.
Keywords : Learning; Digital media; Education; Affection; Communication.