Maternal health services in Cuba – a biopolitical strategy for disciplining pregnant women’ bodies



ROLLO, Rosane Machado; RAMOS, Adriana Roese  e  ROCHA, Cristianne Maria Famer. Maternal health services in Cuba – a biopolitical strategy for disciplining pregnant women’ bodies. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2019, vol.23, e180339.  Epub 10-Jul-2019. ISSN 1414-3283.

Maternal and child health is a healthcare priority in Cuba. This article analyzes the provision of maternal health services in Cuba’s Hogares Maternos (maternity homes), where mothers are admitted in cases of high-risk pregnancy or complications. We problematize the docilization and disciplining of pregnant women, while at the same time recognizing that this process as a powerful strategy for preserving life in Cuba.

Keywords : Cuba; Mother and child health; Mother and child health centers; High-risk pregnancy; Maternal health services.

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