Mental health and intersectionality among students from a Brazilian public university

Vieira VMSA, Torrenté MON. Mental health and intersectionality among students from a Brazilian public university. Interface (Botucatu). 2022; 26:e220314. Doi:

The mental suffering/disorder has the potential to affect any person because living in collectivity results in iniquities that can act over the well-being. Being the university a space that composes the routine of people in this condition, it is necessary to analyze phenomena that can determine its organization such as health and social inequality. In this context, this study analyzes mental health and the intersection of axes of oppression. It is a quantitative and qualitative study using interview techniques and document analysis. From 217 students, 43 were excluded by incomplete/inaccessible documentation. To the interview it was considered students that declared to live under inequalities and of 12 invited, seven participated. The results indicate the intersectionality as an adequate tool to qualify the analysis of students’ reality living mental suffering/disorder. Emphasis was placed on gender bias, affective-sexual orientation, poverty, color and stigma about mental health.

Mental health; University; Students; Intersectionality

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