Repercussions of the 2014 national curricular guidelines on the pedagogical projects of new medical schools



MACHADO, CarolinaOLIVEIRA, José Maurício de  and  MALVEZZI, Edson. Repercussions of the 2014 national curricular guidelines on the pedagogical projects of new medical schools. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2021, vol.25, e200358.  Epub Apr 19, 2021. ISSN 1807-5762.

The Brazilian national curricular guidelines on health education steer curriculum composition so as to organize professional training in this field. Pedagogical projects for courses connect these guidelines to pedagogical practices. This study assessed the repercussions of the 2014 curricular guidelines for the pedagogical projects of medical schools that were created after publication of the guidelines. A qualitative approach was taken, with analysis on documents of these projects guided by critical hermeneutics. Strong alignment between these projects and the curricular guidelines was found. A shift from the Flexner paradigm to comprehensiveness was identified, such that the professional training tended towards the real needs of the population. Differences in the conception of general medical practitioners and in the use of active teaching-learning methodologies were found. Curricular conceptions in which the proposed teaching-service-community integration did not seem to be guaranteed were evident, thus suggesting that proposals based on disciplines had remained present.

Keywords : Medical education; Curriculum; Undergraduate medical education; Higher education policy.

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