Pan LC, et al. Social protection and therapeutic-occupational experiences: life during the Covid-19 pandemic. Interface (Botucatu). 2021; 25 e200753
This text elaborates some reflections regarding the responses that have been undertaken by the sectors: health, social security and social assistance, which make up social security in Brazil. It assumes its centrality, to face the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2. Considering this context and assuming a professional action for social participation with autonomy, we share experiences in Social Occupational Therapy with young people who live in urban peripheries, certainly poor for the market/consumption, but rich in life, in the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim was to produce care that is consistent with social protection and is directed, in defense of the non-negotiable value of each life and of its pulse, towards the promotion of an emancipatory circulation, an issue that existed prior to the pandemic, albeit now aggravated, and always present among this group of young people.
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Keywords: Pandemic, Social protection, Social vulnerability, Care, Occupational therapy