FREIRE FILHO, José Rodrigues; MAGNAGO, Carinne; COSTA, Marcelo Viana da e FORSTER, Aldaísa Cassanho.
Specialization courses offered in the scope of the More Doctors Program: documentary analysis from the perspective of Interprofessional Education.
Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2018, vol.22, suppl.2, pp.1613-1624. ISSN 1414-3283. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1807-57622017.0842.
This qualitative and exploratory study aimed to analyze the pedagogical-political projects (PPP) of the specialization courses in Family Health offered under the More Doctors Program (PMM) to verify if it is possible to adopt the theoretical and methodological elements of Interprofessional Education in the courses. A documentary analysis of nine PPPs was carried out. Results show that these documents do not mention explicitly the intention of adopting the theoretical-conceptual and methodological frameworks of Interprofessional Education, but they are fit for the adoption of this approach, as they value reflective pedagogical strategies, recognize the need to develop specific, common and colaborative competencies, and seek to adopt a process-based perspective of assessment. Thus, the analyzed courses represent an opportunity to apply the presuppositions of Interprofessional Education, subsidizing the development of competencies for collaborative practice.
Key words: More Doctors Program; Interprofessional Education; Specialization; Primary care.