The evasion in a Management Health specialization course in the distance modality.



RODRIGUES, Luciana Soares et al.

 The evasion in a Management Health specialization course in the distance modality.

Interface (Botucatu).Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2018, vol.22, n.66, pp.889-901.  Epub 14-Maio-2018. ISSN 1414-3283.

The present study assessed the dropout rates of a health management specialization course. The case study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with dropout students and document analysis. The results indicated that the dropout process is very heterogeneous and caused by various factors, among them, difficulty in using information and communication technologies adopted in distance courses and reconciling school with work and/or family, in addition to the low level of student-tutor-teacher interaction. In conclusion, dropout rates could be reduced through actions targeting the following factors: tutor and teacher training and implementation of pedagogical strategies to reduce difficulties relative to the use of information and communication technologies.

Key words : Health management; School dropout; Distance education.

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