The More Doctors Program and Family and Community Medicine residencies: articulated strategies of expansion and interiorization of medical education


BARRETO, Danyella da Silva et al.

The More Doctors Program and Family and Community Medicine residencies: articulated strategies of expansion and interiorization of medical education. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2019, vol.23, suppl.1, e180032.  Epub May 20, 2019. ISSN 1414-3283.

The aim of this study is to report and analyze the effect of the More Doctors Program on the expansion of Family Medicine Residency (FMR), based on the strategies developed in Paraíba. A systematization of the experience was carried out by means of a conversation wheel, plus documentary analysis. A set of strategies (partnerships between Higher Education Institutions and Health Secretariats, state FMR workshops, institutional support of municipalities, articulation between the programs of provision of the federal government, regional residences, complementation of scholarship, among others) that resulted in new programs of FMR in interior of the state and a rate of expansion and occupation higher than the national average. This experience presented innovations and advances in the formation of generalists and in the teaching-service integration, with the consequent strengthening of Primary Care.

Keywords : Primary healthcare; More Doctors Program; Health personal management; Internship and residency.

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