The utilization of action research as a neonatal death education strategy: an experience report

Pilger CH, Cogo SB, Sehnem GD, Dias EFR, Costenaro RGS. The utilization of action research as a neonatal death education strategy: an experience report. Interface (Botucatu). 2024; 28: e240128. Doi:


Death is a complex phenomenon, the end of a cycle. Neonatal death is particularly hard to accept. Action research is an appropriate research method for investigating this issue as it brings together the research problem and the educational process with the aim of promoting collective learning. This study presents the experience of using action research in a matrix study with the aim of developing and implementing a death education intervention for nurses working in a neonatal intensive care unit. The use of action research contributed to the implementation of educational actions addressing the theme of neonatal death aimed at nurses.

Keywords Death; Attitude towards death; Nursing professional; Nursing

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