Yoga: a boundary object?

Yoga um objeto de fronteira


SIEGEL, Pamela  and  BASTOS, Carolina Leopardi Gonçalves Barretto. Yoga: a boundary object?. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2020, vol.24, e200180.  Epub 04-Dez-2020. ISSN 1807-5762.

Yoga originated in the East and was appropriated by the West. It transits between tradition and research, intersects science and religion, oscillating among the profane and the sacred. It has morphed from social invisibility into a mainstream practice. It can be comprehended as a philosophical school, as well as a mind-body practice recognized by the World Health Organization, generating contact zones and symbolic frontiers with different fields of knowledge. In contemporary times it is discussed by the social and human sciences. This essay offers reflections on how yoga has been approached by the fields of health, religion, philosophy, art, education, anthropology and sociology, and discusses the development of yoga as an object of boundaries.

Keywords : Yoga; Philosophical system of yoga; Symbolic boundaries; Complementary and integrative practices.

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