Religious therapeutic communities in recovering drug users: the case of Manguinhos, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
RIBEIRO, Fernanda Mendes Lages e MINAYO, Maria Cecília de Souza.Religious therapeutic communities in recovering drug users: the case of Manguinhos, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.54, pp. 515-526. Epub Set-2015. ISSN 1807-5762.
This paper analyses the role of religious therapeutic communities in recovering and rehabilitating drug users, taking the Manguinhos complex of slums in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as the case. The study used a qualitative approach through interviews, participant observation and institutional materials. The technique of analysis of enunciation was applied in order to interpret the material. There is a strong presence of religious institutions that aim to form therapeutic communities for treating drug dependence. The main forms of recovery and rehabilitation comprise evangelization and religious conversion. Faith-based therapeutic communities conceptualize a treatment model focused on prayer and abstinence, which is a view at odds with public mental health policies. However, the public infrastructure has been unable to make effective responses to the demand. The controversy generated by this issue closes this paper.
keywords : Therapeutic community; Drugs; Recovery; Religion..