
Sadala MLA, Silva MP. Care for terminal patients: the experience of medical students. Interface (Botucatu). 2008
Aciole GG. On pedagogical dimensions to citizenship building on social control practice. Interface (Botucatu). 2007
Amorim KPC, Alves MSCF, Germano RM, Costa ICC. The construction of knowledge in Dentistry: the scientific production of three Brazilian magazines from 1990 to 2004. Interface (Botucatu). 2007
Luzio CA, L'Abbate S. The brazilian psychiatric reform: historical and technical-supportive aspects of experiences carried out in the cities of São Paulo, Santos and Campinas. Interface (Botucatu). 2006
Silva GGA. An approach of the 'public x private' antinomy: revealing relationships for public health. Interface (Botucatu). 2006
Teixeira RR. The performance of primary healthcare from the perspective of collective intelligence. Interface (Botucatu). 2006
Matumoto S, Fortuna CM, Mishima SM, Pereira MJB, Domingos NAM. Team supervision in the Family Health Program: reflections concerning the challenge of producing care. Interface (Botucatu). 2005
Carneiro MC. Considerations on the idea of time in St. Augustine, Hume and Kant. Interface (Botucatu). 2004
Ortega F. The biopolitics of health: reflections on Michel Foucault, Agnes Heller e Hannah Arendt. Interface (Botucatu). 2004
García AE. The course of the university in a period of social change. Interface (Botucatu). 2003
Aragon LEP. The denseness of interface. Interface (Botucatu). 2003
Ayres JRCM. Educational practices and the prevention of HIV/Aids: lessons learned and current challenges. Interface (Botucatu). 2002