v.15 n.39, out./dez. 2011

Table of contents




Higher education in Brazil and the education of health care professionals with emphasis on aging
Xavier, Alex da Silva; Koifman, Lilian

Discourses that form knowledge: an analysis of the theoretical and methodological conceptions that guide the educational material for the training of facilitators of Continuing Education in Health
Nespoli, Grasiele; Ribeiro, Victoria Maria Brant

La praxis como fundamento de una educación para la salud alternativa: estudio de investigación-acción en el Programa de Crecimiento y Desarrollo en Medellín, Colombia
Peñaranda-Correa, Fernando; Torres-Ospina, Julio Nicolas; Bastidas-Acevedo, Miriam; Escobar-Paucar, Gloria; Arango-Córdoba, Adriana; Pérez-Becerra, Fráncy Nélly

The institutional pedagogical development for Higher Education teaching
Oliveira, Cláudia Chueire; Vasconcellos, Maura Maria Morita

Approaches to teaching and research in graduate courses in the health field: from the reality of the discipline to the transdisciplinary ‘utopia’
Castro, José Renato Gomes; Fontanella, Bruno José Barcellos; Turato, Egberto Ribeiro

Pediatrics teaching in primary heath care between the boundaries of the biomedical model and the perspective of integrality of care: the view of the supervisor doctors
Prearo, Alice Yamashita; Rizzato, Agueda Beatriz Pires; Martins, Sueli Terezinha Ferreira

Teaching-service integration in the change process in Dentistry training
Finkler, Mirelle; Caetano, João Carlos; Ramos, Flávia Regina Souza

Qualitative study of the teaching-service integration in an undergraduate Dentistry course
Souza, Ana Luiza de; Carcereri, Daniela Lemos

Sociology of professions and Dentistry academics’ perception about the Community Health Agent in Oral Health
Moretti-Pires, Rodrigo Otávio; Lima, Levi Abraão Marinho; Machado, Maria Helena

Professional and social requests of the nursing professor in Brazil
Lima, Paulo Gomes; Santos, Patrícia Leal de Freitas

The ethical-humanistic education of nurses: analyzing the pedagogic projects of the nursing courses in Goiânia (GO, Brazil)
Lima, Juliana de Oliveira Roque e; Esperidião, Elizabeth; Munari, Denize Bouttelet; Brasil, Virginia Visconde

Pharmaceutical assistance in the Brazilian National Health System (SUS): Pharmacy students’ perceptions
Nicoline, Claudia Benacchio; Vieira, Rita de Cássia Padula Alves

Training psychologists in the field of mental health: Piauí’s psychology under analysis
Macedo, João Paulo; Dimenstein, Magda

Systematization of strategies for teaching-learning research in an undergraduate course
Patrício, Zuleica Maria; Silvério, Maria Regina; Ribeiro, Ivete Maria; Felisbino, Janete Elza; Brodbeck, Ingrid May; Martins, Greice Wessler Medeiros; Silva, Gilmara Medeiros Vieira da; Reis, Adriana Elias dos

Simulation as a teaching strategy in nursing education: literature review
Teixeira, Ilka Nicéia D’Aquino Oliveira; Felix, Jorge Vinícius Cestari

Social Responsibility of Higher Education: the metamorphosis of Unesco discourse in focus
Calderón, Adolfo Ignacio; Pedro, Rodrigo Fornalski; Vargas, Maria Caroline

Distance education within medical physics
Neves-Junior, Wellington Furtado Pimenta; Haddad, Cecília Maria Kalil; Sousa, Fernando Sequeira; Pisa, Ivan Torres

Open Space

Role-playing: an innovative strategy for training teachers for the tutorial process
Francischetti, Ieda; Corrêa, Ana Carolina Lemos; Vieira, Camila Mugnai; Lazarini, Carlos Alberto; Rolin, Lilian Maria Giubbina; Soares, Márcia Oliveira Mayo

Brief Notes

Knowing people – a science, an art: a brief description of the experience in the Undergraduate Medical from EPM-Unifesp
Alfredo, Mario De Marco; Degiovani, Mariella Vargas; Gallian, Dante Marcello Claramonte; Lucchese, Ana Cecília


De que forma
Duarte, Renan do Espírito Santo Tobias; Inforsato, Erika Alvarez

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