Table of contents
Action research in interdisciplinary studies: analysis on criteria that can be revealed only through practice
Toledo, Renata Ferraz de; Giatti, Leandro Luiz; Jacobi, Pedro Roberto
Interdependence between the levels of care in Brazilian Health Sistem (SUS): meanings of integrality reported by primary care workers.
Macedo, Lilian Magda de; Martin, Sueli Terezinha Ferrero
Access to healthcare information and comprehensive care: perceptions of users of a public service
Leite, Renata Antunes Figueiredo; Brito, Emanuele Seicenti de; Silva, Laís Mara Caetano da; Palha, Pedro Fredemir; Ventura, Carla Aparecida Arena
Gynecological care among lesbians and bisexual women: notes on the situation in Argentina
Brown, Josefina Leonor; Pecheny, Mario; Tamburrino, María Cecilia; Conde, Leandro Luciani; Perrotta, Gabriela Viviana; Capriati, Alejandro; Andia, Ana María; Mario, Silvia; Ibarlucia, Inés
Rights within madness: what psychosocial care center users and managers say.
Emerich, Bruno Ferrari; Campos, Rosana Onocko; Passos, Eduardo
Humanization in a pediatric context: the role of clowns in improving the environment experienced by hospitalized children
Esteves, Carla Hiolanda; Antunes, Conceição; Caires, Susana
Health promotion among children in a hospital setting: reflections on physiotherapy practice.
Sá, Miriam Ribeiro Calheiros de; Gomes, Romeu
Coping with violence in the school environment from the perspectives of different players
Kappel, Verônica Borges; Gontijo, Daniela Tavares; Medeiros, Marcelo; Monteiro, Estela Maria Leite Meirelles
Itinerary of users of judicial access to medicines in the state of Amazonas, Brazil
Carvalho, Marselle Nobre de; Leite, Silvana Nair
Teacher education in health: assessment, issues and tensions
Bomfim, Maria Inês; Goulart, Valéria Morgana Penzin; Oliveira, Lêda Zorayde de
A teaching strategy for education in health in Brazil: dialogic problematizing inquiry
Longhi, Ana Lía De; Bermudez, Gonzalo Miguel Angel; Abensur, Patricia Lima Dubeux; Ruiz-Moreno, Lidia
“Learning-by-doing”: social representations of healthcare students regarding reflective portfolio as a teaching, learning and assessment method
Costa, Glauce Dias da; Cotta, Rosângela Minardi Mitre
Open Space
“Field” in medical education: a scenario for putting healthcare and education practices into perspective
Lacarta, Gabriela Lucía; Milstein, Diana; Schwarcz, Tomás; Dakessian, María Andrea; Cattani, Alicia
Telling lives: exploring dimensions of narratives
Siegel, Pamela; Barros, Nelson Filice de
The integration of mental health in Family Health Strategy
Santana, Carmen Lúcia Albuquerque de
School health program: limits and intersectoral possibilities
Silva Junior, Aristides José da