v.23 supl.1,2019



Development and expansion of medical education in Brazil
Padilla, Mónica


Reflections on the National Curricular Guidelines of undergraduate medical courses based on the National Health Promotion Policy
Veras, Renata Meira; Feitosa, Caio Cezar Moura

The More Doctors Program and the Curricular Guidelines for Medical courses: a comparative analysis among higher education institutions.
Vargas, Annabelle de Fátima Modesto; Vargas, Diogo de Souza; Campos, Mauro Macedo; Caetano, Rodrigo da Costa

Theoretical foundations of the pedagogical project of a Medicine course in the outback of the state of Paraíba, Brazil: contributions to the debate on medical education.
Medeiros, Henrique Gonçalves Dantas de; Trindade, Thiago Gomes da

Brazilian More Doctors Program: assessing the implementation of the Education Axis from 2013 to 2015.
Oliveira, Felipe Proenço de; Pinto, Hêider Aurélio; Figueiredo, Alexandre Medeiros de; Cyrino, Eliana Goldfarb; Oliveira Neto, Aristides Vitorino de; Rocha, Vinícius Ximenes Muricy da

The More Doctors Program and the rearrangement of medical residency education focused on Family and Community Medicine.
Oliveira, Felipe Proenço de; Araújo, Cássia de Andrade; Torres, Odete Messa; Figueiredo, Alexandre Medeiros de; Souza, Priscilla Azevedo; Oliveira, Francisco Arsego de; Alessio, Maria Martins

Federal management of the More Doctors Program: the role of the Ministry of Education.
Almeida, Erika Rodrigues de; Macedo, Harineide Madeira; Silva, José Carlos da

Implementation and development of a medical course in Parnaíba – Piaui state, Brazil, based on the Project More Doctors for Brazil.
Pedrosa, José Ivo dos Santos

Doctors’ perceptions on distance education and contribution of Family Health specialization
Cezar, Diego Menger; Paz, Adriana Aparecida; Costa, Márcia Rosa da; Pinto, Maria Eugênia Bresolin; Magalhães, Cleidilene Ramos

Documentary analysis of the pedagogical project of a Medicine course and teaching in Primary Care.
Rezende, Valter Luiz Moreira de; Rocha, Bárbara Souza; Naghettini, Alessandra Vitorino; Pereira, Edna Regina Silva

Elderly care: performance of interventions carried out by More Doctors Program professionals
Fassa, Maria Elizabeth Gastal; Tomasi, Elaine; Fassa, Anaclaudia Gastal; Thumé, Elaine; Wachs, Louriele; Santos, Leonardo Pozza dos; Volz, Pamela; Rodrigues, Leandro; Facchini, Luiz Augusto

Implementation of a Mental Health internship in a higher education institution
Figueiredo, Felipe Pinheiro de; Bernuci, Marcelo Picinin; Oliveira, Raquel Gusmão de; Ideriha, Nilce Marzolla; Massuda, Ely Mitie; Yamaguchi, Mirian Ueda

New National Curricular Guidelines of medical courses: opportunities to resignify education
Ferreira, Marcelo José Monteiro; Ribeiro, Kelen Gomes; Almeida, Magda Moura de; Sousa, Maria do Socorro de; Ribeiro, Marco Túlio Aguiar Mourão; Machado, Márcia Maria Tavares; Kerr, Ligia Regina Franco Sansigolo


The More Doctors Program and the changing role of the State in the regulation and organization of medical education
Pinto, Hêider Aurélio; Andreazza, Rosemarie; Ribeiro, Renato Janine; Loula, Maria Rosa; Reis, Ademar Arthur Chioro dos

The More Doctors Program in Brazil under the perspective of the public policies cycle: argument for debate based on the analysis of Heider Pinto and colleagues
Correia, Tiago

More Doctors Program and work development: a continuing education effect
Ferla, Alcindo Antônio

Socially referenced medical education and market policies of quality regulation
Sordi, Mara Regina Lemes De

Sustainability of the More Doctors Program as a public policy
Pinto, Hêider Aurélio; Andreazza, Rosemarie; Ribeiro, Renato Janine; Loula, Maria Rosa; Reis, Ademar Arthur Chioro dos

 Open Space

The More Doctors Program in remote areas: the experience of the Special Supervision Group in Pará, Brazil.
Aguiar, Raphael Augusto Teixeira de; Macedo, Harineide Madeira

Narrative of an educational path: providing a (new) meaning to medical education


The history of the recent expansion of medical schools in Brazil: a conversation about education, innovation and commitment to the Brazilian National Health System (SUS)
Sordi, Mara Regina Lemes De; Cyrino, Eliana Goldfarb; Mendonça, Carolina Siqueira

Download the full Volume: https://interface.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/v.23-supl-12019.pdf

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