Development and expansion of medical education in Brazil
Padilla, Mónica
Reflections on the National Curricular Guidelines of undergraduate medical courses based on the National Health Promotion Policy
Veras, Renata Meira; Feitosa, Caio Cezar Moura
The More Doctors Program and the Curricular Guidelines for Medical courses: a comparative analysis among higher education institutions.
Vargas, Annabelle de Fátima Modesto; Vargas, Diogo de Souza; Campos, Mauro Macedo; Caetano, Rodrigo da Costa
Theoretical foundations of the pedagogical project of a Medicine course in the outback of the state of Paraíba, Brazil: contributions to the debate on medical education.
Medeiros, Henrique Gonçalves Dantas de; Trindade, Thiago Gomes da
Brazilian More Doctors Program: assessing the implementation of the Education Axis from 2013 to 2015.
Oliveira, Felipe Proenço de; Pinto, Hêider Aurélio; Figueiredo, Alexandre Medeiros de; Cyrino, Eliana Goldfarb; Oliveira Neto, Aristides Vitorino de; Rocha, Vinícius Ximenes Muricy da
The More Doctors Program and the rearrangement of medical residency education focused on Family and Community Medicine.
Oliveira, Felipe Proenço de; Araújo, Cássia de Andrade; Torres, Odete Messa; Figueiredo, Alexandre Medeiros de; Souza, Priscilla Azevedo; Oliveira, Francisco Arsego de; Alessio, Maria Martins
Federal management of the More Doctors Program: the role of the Ministry of Education.
Almeida, Erika Rodrigues de; Macedo, Harineide Madeira; Silva, José Carlos da
Implementation and development of a medical course in Parnaíba – Piaui state, Brazil, based on the Project More Doctors for Brazil.
Pedrosa, José Ivo dos Santos
Doctors’ perceptions on distance education and contribution of Family Health specialization
Cezar, Diego Menger; Paz, Adriana Aparecida; Costa, Márcia Rosa da; Pinto, Maria Eugênia Bresolin; Magalhães, Cleidilene Ramos
Documentary analysis of the pedagogical project of a Medicine course and teaching in Primary Care.
Rezende, Valter Luiz Moreira de; Rocha, Bárbara Souza; Naghettini, Alessandra Vitorino; Pereira, Edna Regina Silva
Elderly care: performance of interventions carried out by More Doctors Program professionals
Fassa, Maria Elizabeth Gastal; Tomasi, Elaine; Fassa, Anaclaudia Gastal; Thumé, Elaine; Wachs, Louriele; Santos, Leonardo Pozza dos; Volz, Pamela; Rodrigues, Leandro; Facchini, Luiz Augusto
Implementation of a Mental Health internship in a higher education institution
Figueiredo, Felipe Pinheiro de; Bernuci, Marcelo Picinin; Oliveira, Raquel Gusmão de; Ideriha, Nilce Marzolla; Massuda, Ely Mitie; Yamaguchi, Mirian Ueda
New National Curricular Guidelines of medical courses: opportunities to resignify education
Ferreira, Marcelo José Monteiro; Ribeiro, Kelen Gomes; Almeida, Magda Moura de; Sousa, Maria do Socorro de; Ribeiro, Marco Túlio Aguiar Mourão; Machado, Márcia Maria Tavares; Kerr, Ligia Regina Franco Sansigolo
The More Doctors Program and the changing role of the State in the regulation and organization of medical education
Pinto, Hêider Aurélio; Andreazza, Rosemarie; Ribeiro, Renato Janine; Loula, Maria Rosa; Reis, Ademar Arthur Chioro dos
More Doctors Program and work development: a continuing education effect
Ferla, Alcindo Antônio
Socially referenced medical education and market policies of quality regulation
Sordi, Mara Regina Lemes De
Sustainability of the More Doctors Program as a public policy
Pinto, Hêider Aurélio; Andreazza, Rosemarie; Ribeiro, Renato Janine; Loula, Maria Rosa; Reis, Ademar Arthur Chioro dos
Open Space
The More Doctors Program in remote areas: the experience of the Special Supervision Group in Pará, Brazil.
Aguiar, Raphael Augusto Teixeira de; Macedo, Harineide Madeira
Narrative of an educational path: providing a (new) meaning to medical education
The history of the recent expansion of medical schools in Brazil: a conversation about education, innovation and commitment to the Brazilian National Health System (SUS)
Sordi, Mara Regina Lemes De; Cyrino, Eliana Goldfarb; Mendonça, Carolina Siqueira
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