Education and health experimentations: mapping the development of senses in Nursing graduate courses



SOARES, Amanda NathaleGAZZINELLI, Maria Flávia  and  SOUZA, Vânia de. Education and health experimentations: mapping the development of senses in Nursing graduate courses. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2020, vol.24, e190675.  Epub Mar 23, 2020. ISSN 1807-5762.

This cartographic intervention research was conducted to map the possibilities of experimentation developed by stricto sensu graduate Nursing students in the development of new senses in the intersecting field of education and health. Experimentations were developed in the discipline “Knowledge and Education Theories in Educational Health Practices” taught at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil. In this article, two experimentations are presented: one inspired by Dewey’s concepts, on psychiatric hospitalization; and the other by Paulo Freire’s principles, on the health-disease process. The experimentations contributed to bring theory and practice closer, expand the possibilities of intervention, and question the professional practice. The contributions provided by the experimentations require daily dedication to break the strata that insist on hierarchizing the circulation of life and the way subjectivity occurs in the world.

Keywords : Nursing; Graduate nursing studies; Health education.

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