NERY, Nathalia de Moraes Lebeis; BARACAT, Emilio Carlos Elias e BICUDO, Angélica Maria.
Heterogeneity in the correction of portfolios in the Medicine course: student perception.
Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2019, vol.23, e170348. Epub 11-Mar-2019. ISSN 1414-3283. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/interface.170348.
The portfolios were implemented in the Medicine Course of the School of Medical Sciences of Unicamp in 2001; it is developed in the fourth year, when the students work in basic health units. Each portfolio iss corrected by a professor, and after the necessary considerations on each topic, a grade is awarded. This study aimed at understanding the perception of students regarding the correction of the portfolios by the teaching staff. It consisted of a descriptive study with qualitative data analysis. Thirty-one semi-structured interviews were conducted after the portfolios were returned. Data were consolidated with the use of the content analysis proposed by Bardin. The students considered that the assessment through the portfolio needs to be improved with a clear definition of the correction criteria. The heterogeneity and subjectivity of the professor in such correction is highlighted in the student perception.
Key words:Assessment; Medical education; Portfolio.