MACHADO, Sávia Souza; MOREIRA, Luiz Carlos Hubner; NASCIMENTO, Maria Ângela Alves do e CASOTTI, Elisete.
Institutional Support according to the perspective of managers, supporters and workers: coming closer to reality from different places.
Interface (Botucatu)[online]. In press. , pp.-. Epub 21-Maio-2018. ISSN 1414-3283. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1807-57622016.0829.
This is a study on the senses and meanings given to the Institutional Support in Primary Care of two municipalities in the west of the state of Bahia, Northeast region of Brazil, with the participation of 22 professionals, namely family health managers, supporters and workers. Data were collected through interviews and observation, and the empirical material was analyzed according to the content analysis framework. Results revealed that all the participants have a positive perception of the work developed by the Institutional Support. Nevertheless, there are challenges related to the insufficient number of supporters, the limits of the conception of work from the perspective of managers and the work expectations reported by the teams. It is necessary to create analysis spaces involving managers, supporters and teams, which is a condition for consolidating the practice of supporting and being supported as a strategy to strengthen co-management in healthcare networks.
Key works : Institutional support; Primary care; Health management.