LIMA, Rafael Rodolfo Tomaz de; VILAR, Rosana Lúcia Alves de; CASTRO, Janete Lima de e LIMA, Kenio Costa de.
Interprofessional education and aging: analysis of pedagogical health projects.
Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2018, vol.22, suppl.2, pp.1661-1673. ISSN 1414-3283. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1807-57622017.0466.
This article analyzes the inclusion of the aging and interprofessional education topics in the education of Family Health Strategy (ESF) and Family Health Support Center (NASF) professionals by analyzing their courses’ pedagogical projects. The article is based on a qualitative documentary research held in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The pedagogical projects were analyzed based on the content analysis method using the thematic analysis procedure in two predetermined recording units: (i) professional competencies and (ii) curricular structure. As part of the results, none of the courses investigated in this study offer an interprofessional health education addressing deeper aging discussions.
Key words: Aging; Elderly health; Interprofessional education; Professional health education; Family health.