Mapping the working conditions of quilombola men and intersections between informality and mental health

Centro Cultural de Ecucacao Popular de Rio das Ostras


MIRANDA, Sérgio Vinícius Cardoso deOLIVEIRA, Jannefer Leite deSAMPAIO, Cristina Andrade  e  RODRIGUES NETO, João Felício. Mapping the working conditions of quilombola men and intersections between informality and mental health. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2021, vol.25, e200478.  Epub 16-Abr-2021. ISSN 1807-5762.

This study mapped the working conditions of Quilombola men living in the north of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil using the cartographic method proposed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. The data were produced in 23 communities using individual interviews, field observations and documentation of affectations in a diary. Discourse analysis enabled the construction of three thematic categories and a flow diagram depicting the lines of work force. The intersection between race/ethnicity, gender, region, class, and level of education contributes to employment precariousness and informality. With regard to work, the flexible lines allow experiences of pleasure and the hard lines lead to the development of mental illness. Policies directed at Quilombolas therefore need to be articulated and strengthened by the government and efforts are needed to promote the participation of all actors involved, especially Quilombola men.

Keywords : African continental ancestry group; Social markers; Work; Iniquities; Mental health.

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Image: Centro Cultural de Ecucação Popular de Rio das Ostras

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