Oliveira LC, Soares ARS, Sabatini F, Ulian MD, Unsain RAF, Scagliusi FB. ““Narratives of Weight”: experience report of the construction of an educational course about weight stigma and health care. Interface (Botucatu). 2023; 27:230360. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1590/interface.230360
Weight stigma is defined as the devaluation of people due to their higher body weight, causing harmful effects to health and is present among healthcare undergraduate students and professionals. Addressing weight stigma in training spaces is crucial to fight against it. This article reports the experience about the construction of the educational course “Narratives of Weight: weight stigma and health care”, aimed at healthcare undergraduate students and professionals. Priority was given to the diversity of materials, range of perspectives, language accessibility and the presence of fat people. It is considered that the course’s building process has elements that can guide the development of other powerful and contextualized materials and interventions for the target audience.
Key words
Obesity; Social stigma; Permanent education
Acess in: https://doi.org/10.1590/interface.230360