TREICHEL, Carlos Alberto dos Santos; CAMPOS, Rosana Teresa Onocko e CAMPOS, Gastão Wagner de Souza. The consolidation and effectiveness of matrix support in mental health in Brazil – bottlenecks and challenges. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2019, vol.23, e180617. Epub 27-Jun-2019. ISSN 1414-3283. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/interface.180617.
Ten years on from the introduction of matrix support in health networks through the creation of Family Health Support Centers, there is still a lack of consistent data to measure the success of consolidation and effectiveness of this arrangement. With this in mind, we conducted a literature review of national articles produced over the last ten years to identify the bottlenecks and challenges faced by matrix support in mental health in Primary Care. The problems were classified using a theoretical and conceptual reconstruction and drawing on similar experiences with matrix support in other countries. The following key points emerged from the review: the need to provide clear guidelines for matrix support; the need for major investment in training and capacity building; and the need to create institutionalized spaces to foster systematic communication between professionals to discuss cases and promote joint evaluation of the progress of activities.
Key Words: Matrix support; Mental health; Primary healthcare.