SILVA, Andréa Neiva da et al. Using active methodology in Health Social Sciences: students’ audiovisual production experience report. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2020, vol.24, e190231. Epub Oct 24, 2019. ISSN 1414-3283. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/interface.190231.
This article reports on the experience creating audiovisual productions in documentary form by Universidade Federal Fluminense’s Dentistry Course students approaching Health Social Sciences-focused content. Topics were based on the methodology of questioning (Manguerez Arc’s method). Documentary projects were created prior to the audiovisual pre- and post-production. The pedagogical strategy was adequate to work with ideals such as social justice, equality, and respect to differences, contributing to the student’s citizenship development. Despite the technical difficulties indicated in the edition process, this active learning methodology encouraged the students’ protagonism, creativity, and autonomy involving cognitive, communicative, esthetic, and social dimensions in an eminently collaborative work. The strategy can potentially contribute to the education of autonomous and participative individuals committed to social transformations.
Keywords : Dentistry students; Problem-based learning; Audiovisual resources; Higher education; Public health.