BU, Emerson Araújo Do; ALEXANDRE, Maria Edna Silva de; SCARDUA, Anderson e ARAUJO, Cristina Ruan Ferreira de.
Vitiligo as a psychosocial disease: apprehensions of patients imprinted by the white.
Interface (Botucatu) [online]. In press. . Epub 22-Jun-2017. ISSN 1807-5762. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1807-57622016.0925.
This study aimed to show the comprehension that patients bearing vitiligo have over their condition, also assessing the association with their health and disease concepts. It is a qualitative research with descriptive and exploratory purposes, carried out from an epidemiological survey throughout the years of 2010-2013, with records from a dermatology outpatient care sector of a seminal hospital located in the city of Campina Grande – Paraíba, Brazil. It was identified that from the 832 existing records, 13 were of vitiligo patients and, from them, eight agreed to be part of this study, answering a semi-structured questionnaire. Data examination was made using the Thematic Content Analysis technique, identifying four categories. Results indicated that the process of being stricken with the disease is directly related to social practices that target the “stained” subject, over whom vitiligo has imprinted its patches.
Key words : Vitiligo; Stigma; Psychosocial disease; Psychodermatology.