What can a policy do? Challenging the implementation of the More Doctors Program based on the experience of a Brazilian city

O que pode uma Política Problematizando a implementação do Programa Mais Médicos a partir da experiência de uma cidade brasileira 2019 0052 Mara 4T19



SANTOS, Mara Lisiane de Moraes dos; BERTUSSI, Débora Cristina; KODJAOGLANIAN, Vera Lúcia  e  MERHY, Emerson Elias. What can a policy do? Challenging the implementation of the More Doctors Program based on the experience of a Brazilian city. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2019, vol.23, e190052.  Epub 26-Ago-2019. ISSN 1414-3283.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/interface.190052.

We aim to problematize the implementation of the More Doctors Program based on the experience of a Brazilian city. Using encounter as method, we present affections/reflections emerging from conversations with doctors and other actors involved with the program. The devices for the program operation proved insufficient considering this controversial/conflicting policy. Each municipality implements and takes advantage of the program in its own way, creating or not conjunctures, giving sustainability and potentiating its effects. Adverse situations revealed the fragility of the devices regarding sustainability. The invisibility of the policy and the weaknesses of the devices in the implementation is noted and problematized. The program is an important federal initiative to improve healthcare, especially for the most vulnerable, but it is threatened and weakened after the Cuban doctors’ departure. For that reason is key to debate its potentialities and weaknesses.

Keywords: Health consortia; Public health policy; Primary health care; Micropolitics; Delivery of health care.

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