v.22 Supl.1,2018




The development of interprofessional collaboration in different contexts of multidisciplinary residency in Family Health.
Arruda, Gisele Maria Melo Soares; Barreto, Ivana Cristina de Holanda Cunha; Ribeiro, Kelen Gomes; Frota, Amanda Cavalcante

 Interprofessional Education and shared practice in multiprofessional health residency programs.
Casanova, Isis Alexandrina; Batista, Nildo Alves; Moreno, Lídia Ruiz

Integrated residency in Health: perception of the players with emphasis on Family and Community Health.
Gadelha, Ana Karina de Sousa; Barreto, Ivana Cristina de Holanda Cunha

Intersectorial instances of management: movements for the reorientation in Health education.
Vendruscolo, Carine; Ferraz, Fabiane; Prado, Marta Lenise do; Kleba, Maria Elisabeth; Martini, Jussara Gue

Integration of higher education institutions with municipal health systems from the perspective of an interprofessional collaboration typology.
Barreto, Ivana Cristina de Holanda Cunha; Ribeiro, Kelen Gomes; Moreira, Ana Ester Maria Melo; Goya, Neusa; Dias, Maria Socorro de Araújo; Andrade, Luiz Odorico Monteiro de

Resonances of the Project Pró-Ensino na Saúde in the interior of Brazil.
Silva Junior, Aristides José da; Mattos, Magda de; Santos, Neuci Cunha dos

Education and health in a region under social vulnerability situation: breakthroughs and challenges for public policies.
Ribeiro, Kelen Gomes; Andrade, Luiz Odorico Monteiro de; Aguiar, Jaina Bezerra de; Moreira, Ana Ester Maria Melo; Frota, Amanda Cavalcante

Constructing professional identity in Interprofessional Health Education as perceived by graduates.
Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador; Freitas, Maria Aparecida de Oliveira; Batista, Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva; Batista, Nildo Alves

Teachers’ role in strengthening teaching-service-community integration policies: the context of Brazilian medical schools.
Silva, Fabiana Aparecida da; Costa, Nilce Maria da Silva Campos; Lampert, Jadete Barbosa; Alves, Rosana

Health teaching as an object of research in academic graduate programs: an analysis of the Pro-Ensino na Saúde.
Bahia, Silvia Helena Arias; Haddad, Ana Estela; Batista, Nildo Alves; Batista, Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva

Professional trajectory of medical course alumni from from Campinas University, São Paulo, Brazil: graduates’ point of view in evaluating the course.
Senger, Maria Helena; Campos, Maria Celeste Gonçalves; Servidoni, Maria de Fátima Corrêa Pimenta; Passeri, Silvia Maria Riceto Ronchim; Velho, Paulo Eduardo Neves Ferreira; Toro, Ivan Felizardo Contrera; Bicudo, Angélica Maria; Amaral, Eliana Martorano

The education for facing the HIV Epidemic.
Bones, Ana Amélia Nascimento da Silva; Costa, Márcia Rosa da; Cazella, Sílvio César

Open space

Pró-Ensino in the project “Teaching, Health and Development – network of knowledge and practices”: advances and challenges in Paraná and Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Coelho, Izabel Cristina Meister Martins; Mello, Rosiane Guetter; Rauli, Patricia Maria Forte; Zagonel, Ivete Palmira Sanson; Almeida, Marcio José de

Producing research, training, health, and education in the teaching-service-community integration
Bravo, Victória Ângela Adami; Santos, Lucas Cardoso dos; Cyrino, Eliana Goldfarb; Cyrino, Antônio de Pádua Pithon; Villardi, Marina Lemos; Pinto, Tiago Rocha

Experience of teacher education in graduate studies and research in education: Capes Pro-Ensino na Saude project, School of Medicine at the University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil.
Troncon, Luiz Ernesto de Almeida; Pazin-Filho, Antonio; Bollela, Valdes Roberto; Borges, Marcos de Carvalho; Panúncio-Pinto, Maria Paula

Download the full volume: https://interface.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/v.22.Supl_.12018.pdf

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