Moretti-Pires RO, Leiria M, Flores JM, Junior ZCT, Oliveira DC. An instrument for assessing training in LGBTI+ health among nursing, medical and dental students. Interface (Botucatu). 2024; 28: e230624. Doi:
Human sexuality is a complex element of human life, involving biological, psychological and, above all, social factors. This article outlines the development of an instrument designed to assess clinical knowledge of LGBTI+ health among nursing, medical and dental students. Based on a literature review, we developed a 76-item questionnaire in the following stages: (1) language analysis and adaptation of content through six focus groups involving 21 heterosexual students and 20 LGBTI+ students from the three courses; (2) use of the Delphi technique with 16 experts in higher education in the three areas and in gender and sexual diversity. The findings show that the final 40-item version of the instrument is suitable for assessing training in health care for LGBTI+ people among students.
Keywords Sexual and gender minorities; Professional health training; Assessment of human resources for health; Instrument; Higher education
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