BUSTAMANTE, Vania; ONOCKO-CAMPOS, Rosana; SILVA, Alice Andrade and TREICHEL, Carlos Alberto dos Santos. Assessment indicators of psychosocial children and teenager care centers: results of an intervention research. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2020, vol.24, e190276. Epub Nov 27, 2019. ISSN 1414-3283. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/interface.190276.
In this study, we present the assessment indicators developed through a participatory research based on the hermeneutic theory, conducted with workers of psychosocial children and teenager care centers (CAPSIs) of a large Brazilian city. A course (with classes, shared appraisal group, dispersion activities, and narrative production) was offered, culminating in workshops for reaching a consensus and creating the indicators. The interpretative exercise involved organizing the shared appraisal group’s transcripts and transforming them into narratives. The hermeneutic circle was comprised of rereading and reinterpretation. A total of 24 indicators was obtained in six dimensions: reception, unique therapeutic project, playing and ambience, network articulation, family care, and work process and suffering. The indicators follow quality criteria and are related to the field literature. They can be used by CAPSIs with eventual adaptations to each context.
Keywords : Mental health services; Children’s health services; Teenagers’ health services; Service indicators.