Jorge MM, Santos PHF, Cauduro FLF. Design thinking as a strategy for fostering interprofessional education for health in a higher education institution. Interface (Botucatu). 2023; 27:220598. Doi:
This article presents the results of a design thinking workshop with health students to generate ideas for fostering interprofessional education (IPE) for health in a higher education institution. We conducted a qualitative case study in June 2022. The workshop followed the phases of the design thinking process (discovery, interpretation, ideation and experimentation) and was supported by the use of nine strategies. The workshop was attended by six nursing students, one public health student and one pharmacy student. The workshop resulted in the creation of two prototypes. It was found that the phases and strategies used were well-suited to and effective in promoting a debate about IPE. The prototypes will be executed as part of the continuation of the research.
Interprofessional education; Interdisciplinary practices; Health sciences students
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