(In)visibility of service user-workers in the interaction with health care professionals in the context of a family health center

Andrade AGM, et al. (In)visibility of service user-workers in the interaction with health care professionals in the context of a family health center. Interface (Botucatu). 2021; 25: e200700 https://doi.org/10.1590/interface.200700

This study aimed to understand how work-related health needs appear in the interaction between service users (workers) and family health professionals and affect care. We adopted ethnographic methods to collect data, including recording observed appointments in a field diary and situated and semi-structured interviewing. The worker became visible to the health professionals through formal requests, clinical manifestations, patient-professional bonds and the patient profile. During the appointments we observed responses oriented by clinical complaints and gaps in the coordination of care. The (in)visibility of workers in the context of appointments was articulated and in layers, encompassing aspects of the individual, the work process and social protection. Understanding these overlapping aspects in the delivery of care to workers in primary care settings can contribute to improving and broadening the resolvability of health care in the public health system.

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Keywords: Worker; Workers’ health; Primary health care; Integrality in health; Qualitative research