MAIADANIC, Alma Nina Cohn e NORDI, Aline Barreto de Almeida.
Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2018, vol.22, n.66, pp.951-960. Epub 16-Abr-2018. ISSN 1414-3283.
I embarked on this experience in a stage of life in which, according to the hegemonic customs, we must leave the labor life to dedicate itself to rest and enjoy the life. These reflections deal with the experience in the Specialization Course on Health Policy Management Informed by Evidence – ESPIE. At the departure I carried a baggage that allowed me to undertake an unknown road. On the trip I visited many new places that, although I had listened about them, I was able to get to know them more thoroughly with the help of my fellow travelers, among them: Strategic planning, health policy management, the search for the best available scientific evidence, and the constructivist methodology. The dialectical integration between theory and practice from the problematization of reality is what has allowed me to find meaning in my work.
Keywords : Methodology; Teaching; Active learning; Health management; Health policy.