Taste and flavor in food experience: conceptual reflections



PALAZZO, Carina Carlucci; MEIRELLES, Camila de Souza; JAPUR, Camila Cremonezi  e  DIEZ-GARCIA, Rosa Wanda.

Taste and flavor in food experience: conceptual reflections.

Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2019, vol.23, e180078.  Epub 14-Fev-2019. ISSN 1414-3283.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/interface.180078.

The present paper addresses the use and definition of terms from the field of sensory perceptions of foods to suggest a more accurate usage of this terminology in clinical practice and scientific categorization. The starting point of the discussion was recent findings in the area of neuroscience that contributed to the mentioned field and a retrospective examination of studies relevant to the subject. From the concepts defined by the terms in English “taste” and “flavor” (or “flavour”), correspondences with Portuguese words were obtained, so that the terminology can represent the connection between sense organs and the brain in food sensory perception.

Key words : Flavor; Sensory perception.

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