SORDI, Mara Regina Lemes De; SANTOS, Marcos Henrique Almeida dos e MENDES, Geisa do Socorro Cavalcanti Vaz.
Twenty years of Education in Interface: trajectory, trends and challenges.
Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2020, vol.24, e190192. Epub 23-Set-2019. ISSN 1414-3283. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/interface.190192.
The text provides an overview of the twenty years of the Education axis in the journal Interface and analyzes this trajectory based on its publications. The examination of the articles reveals the predominant trends and enables us to reflect on the challenges to the next decades. The categories of analysis: Professional Health Education, Reorientation Policies for Professional Health Education/Health Teaching, Educational Health Practices and Theoretical and/or Methodological Foundations of Education are employed to encompass the set of themes approached by the authors in the historical period of the study, in the journal’s different spaces, in a close relationship to the journal’s purposes in the sphere of socialization of knowledge in the field of education and health. The conclusion is that Interface has been an important space for the systematization of the general challenges of education and of the specific challenges of health education, as well as for careful reflection on them, potentializing qualitative advances in professional education.
Keywords : Education and health; Professional education; Socialization of knowledge; Twenty years of Interface.