The principles and values implied in the practice of palliative sedation and the euthanasia.

Cuidados Paliativos 72 01


EICH, MelisseVERDI, Marta Inez MachadoFINKLER, Mirelle  e  MARTINS, Pedro Paulo Scremin. 

The principles and values implied in the practice of palliative sedation and the euthanasia. 

Interface (Botucatu) [online]. In press. , pp.-.  Epub 07-Jun-2018. ISSN 1414-3283.

The aim of the present study was to investigate the meaning attributed by healthcare professionals to the practice of palliative sedation in the dying process, the relationship of this practice with euthanasia, and the values considered important and that ground decision making by palliative care teams. This is an exploratory and descriptive qualitative study, based on dialectical hermeneutics. The results show that the meanings attributed by the interviewed professionals were in line with scientific development. They reported that they sought to clarify the clinical facts involved in each decision-making process and the implicated values according to the evolution of ethical reflections regarding the practice of palliative sedation and euthanasia. Within the scope of ethical reflection, principles are not considered absolute, because, when considering as values, professionals analyzed the specific circumstances and the consequences involving their decisions.

Key works : Deep sedation; Palliative care; Bioethics; Euthanasia.

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