Treatment for dependency from the perspective of people who use crack. 

Ususario de drogas 72 01


ALMEIDA, Renata Barreto Fernandes de et al. 

Treatment for dependency from the perspective of people who use crack. 

Interface (Botucatu)[online]. In press. , pp.-.  Epub 07-Jun-2018. ISSN 1414-3283.

The aim of this study is to understand the essential aspects for a successful treatment for crack dependency, based on the speech of users. This is a descriptive study, using a qualitative approach. Interviews were conducted with 39 crack users who were assisted in a social protection program for drug users. In order to understand the narratives, the content analysis technique was used and the theoretical framework was based on Bardin. Aspects that were mentioned as important were undergoing voluntary treatment and spirituality, categories that can be grouped as individual aspects, as well as increasing the list of activities, supply of settings protected from drugs and professional qualification with socio-productive inclusion, as institutional aspects. These demands must be considered for a better understanding of what is needed for a successful treatment, and contemplated by public policies targeted at this issue.

key works : Crack cocaine; Dependency; Treatment; Drug user.

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